It was one dollar. And it even came with a complementary war bond.
There was a man in La Paz who would stand on a pedestal and fly his hawks and falcons all over the city. Unfortunately, this is a picture of a statue and a pigeon What's really too bad is that the other man doesn't even exist.
Right before our ride down "The World's Most Dangerous Road". We were really scared.
I knew he wasn't dead...
Sucre, Bolivia. I think this is the building that the Treaty of Versailles was signed in.
Sucre also has really nice monuments. This town shouldn't have been in Bolivia. It was a bit to sparkly and nice.
Juan, Rafael, and Dervish gave Grizzley the thumbs up sign. He was victorious. It was complete. The table was finally his. Sure it wasn't from Ikea, but after what he had sacrificed it no longer mattered to him. It was constructed with fine oak and had a glass top. There were only three legs but he figured he could stack up a lot of books or tobacco cans and it should sit nicely in the kitchen. Hopefully his wife could make him some fresh raccoon or cat soup. (This was a favorite game of Grizzley's. His wife would make a soup and he had to guess whether it was raccoon or cat meat. Usually it was cat; they had a lot of cat hoarding neighbors.) Even though he had finally achieved the glorious moment of buying a table, Grizzley felt empty inside. Empty like a bowl with nothing in it. Empty like a box with nothing in it. Empty like the opposite of a room with a lot of stuff in it. He understood, now, that it was the chase of this "white snail" that had defined him for 6 years. Now it was over. Now he had to go back. But to what? The only thing he had done before this was a bunch of Sudoku puzzles. "Well," he though, "I guess I'll burn that bridge when I get to it and throw my wrench in the gears." And with that, his journey was over. So he took the grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it into the theater.
We stopped at a small museum that had a bunch of trains from around 100 years ago.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid robbed this one. Seriously, they did. It was full of money at the time. We checked around but we think they got it all.
And then we drove off into the Salt Flats of Uyuni. Do not confuse these with the Amazon Jungle. They are very similar but the flora is just a little different. (These are salt piles for harvesting.)
Hans: I spy with my little eye something that is white.
Me: Is it salt?
Hans: Yes.
If you look carefully, you can see the reflection of a reflection in a reflection. If only Keanu Reeves would have know because this could have broken the Matrix.
Good ol' St. Pheonix has seen some pretty incredible sights. Too bad she doesn't have enough work ethic to make her own blog.
I think this is a picture of the Amazon, but like I said, it's hard to tell the difference.
Not the best nights sleep in the tent, but not the worst. We could have slept on a bed of nails like flagellants Though there was a lot of flatulence in the tent.
Some dude sold us a shrink ray for around 20 bucks. Bolivia is so cheap!
First the car...
Then Sheldon and I got mad at Hans so we shrank...shrinked?...shrunk?....shrunked?...shranked?..ehh, we made him smaller.
Ninja level...salt destroyer!
He held this pose for over 3 hours while we tried to get the perfect picture.
This picture is more fun if you play Jump Around by House of Pain.
This is a cool picture. Must I really say something clever for each one?
Pillar Rock. I just named it right now. I'm open to suggestions.

Poor car. She's seen better days. But she's just about back home.
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